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Yin-Yang Series: Surviving Highschool & Dragons

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Yin-Yang Series: Surviving Highschool & Dragons Empty Yin-Yang Series: Surviving Highschool & Dragons

Post by Rain February 12th 2011, 12:19 pm

Chapter 5:
Noses Suck

After fifteen minutes of driving on a slick highway road, we made it to Wilson High. I'll tell you what it looks like, to give you a picture and all that fun jazz.
For one thing, it's an old church, actually. Really old. Still, it's structurlly sound. It looks like an old fashioned chapel: steep roofs, lots of ledges, lots of fancy statues, stained glass windows at least fifteen feet tall. Now, you know how their small and compact? Imagine it stretched out, like a piece of Play-Doh. Big enough to incorporate enough classrooms for 1500 students, scattered from ninth to twelvth grade, then make room for a really big gym, an auditorium, and who could forget my all time favorite cafeteria?
So, maybe its not your average church. It looks more like the Barcelona Church. You know, that big one in Spain? No worries if you don't, I had to Google it myself. But picture that, with a big sign draped over the doorway with a big cricket that says Wilson High Grasshoppers. Oh yeah, we're way scary. Fear us bugs.
Colt patted me on my back reassuringly as we walked up the stairs, 'cause we're just that friendly. "Take it easy, kay?" he smiled at me, one that kinda lit up my day. The type that let me know someone had my back, I wasn't alone.
I grinned back. "You got it boss." I replied, looking back on the doors as I pushed them open.
Not much left to say about the classes. Colt left, cause he was the same age as me, 16, but in eleventh grade, and I split to my locker and droned through the first six periods. There were only twelve a day, no worries, but my nerves were itching to ge my hands wrapped around Derrell's throat. But I forced myself to chill out and be patient. My time would come.
Let me clarify why I'm so ticked off. No, it's not really what he said on the note. He wasn't that bright, so it wasn't that insulting. I could tell he just threw together what sounded good, whatever his dim brain could whip up. It was just the fact that he actually broke into my house while I was in there and then had the nerve to let it be known. And then he just had to cross the line and bring my mom into it. My mom.
Meanwhile. Lunch! My favorite class of the day, one I didn't have to work in. One I didn't have to ignore teachers in. Only about have my grade was shoved in at a time, which was about seventy-five kids.
So, while the monitors and lunch ladies weren't looking, I snuck my freshman ass ou the door leading to the fire escape. I was out of that hell, and heading toward my paradise.
And up I went, all the way up. There were four floors, so eight flights. It wasn't too bad, but I had to dodge under all the windows to avoid being caught. I've only been caught twice before, but I didn't exactly believe in the third time being a charm, especially with my amazing luck.
When I finally made it to the top, I looked for the drain pipe sticking to the brick wall. (Hey, even churches had to have gutter systems.) My last ascent, up to the roof. Or roofs, I should say.
I grabbed the ice cold steel and almost recoiled, the feeling of the pipe numbing up my hand immediately. But I pushed onward, like the tough little cookie I am. Five minutes, three pounds, and eight feet later, I scrambled up the ledge of my sacred place. My second one. Not even Colt knew about this place.
I was easily up in the air three hundred feet, on an inch thick concrete ledge that was more than likely older than I could count. You do the math.
Me personally, I'm scared silly of heights. and at this dizzy point of elevation, it was enough to make me bawl.
But that's why I was here. Well, not to cry exactly, but to face my fears, or at least try to. Sure, its not exactly the brave feat Superman would be proud of, but it builds up my tolerance of heights so I don't suddenly freak out when I'm six inches off the ground or going into the elevator.
That's another thing. I'm really paranoid. You know what? I'll make a list. My fear list.
1.) Heights. I prefer the ground, if you don't mind.
2.) I'm paranoid. So I don't like crowds. At all. They freak me out. Really, really bad. I get edgy and and a bit jumpy. One little thing and I go totally beserk. But no worries, I'm working on it and I'm really close to having it under control.
3.) Exits. Gotta have somewhere to go, an easy escape route. Always.
I'll let you know if I can come up with any more.
So, I cleared off a little snow from the thin ledge and I laid down uncomfortably on the stone, leaning my back and head on the brick wall. I instinctively shoved my hands in my pockets and sighed. Today's plan? Pretty basic, I'm not into confusing stuff.

Survive this ledge. Again.
Find Derrell.
Kick the living crap out of Derrell
Deal with Mr. Roy and hope I don't et expelled
Find Colt
Get home and sort things out with Mom
Fill my belly with some darn good meatloaf (potatoes being optional)

Not bad I guess. Nothing too hard, too complicated. And #3 is sounding more and more fun with each ticking second. I still can't believe he had the guts to leave the note. The only reason I can think of why he did it was beacuse I was on my last leg, they had me on a damn short leash. He knew I couldn't do anything to him. Unfortunately, Avira O'Reilly was never one to do what she was told. (And yes, I know this is bad.... For him.)
So now I had a bit of downtime, fifteen minutes. Well, more like five minutes now. After my hiking trip up here.
I gazed at the statue directly ahead of me, on the corner above the edge I climbed up. It was steel gray, with some chalky markings. Must have been from the snow or something.
The great stallion reared, and the angel warrior was frozen in time, in the middle of a roar of fury, holding his sword high. And, like a hundred times before, I couldn't help thinking how awesome it would be if that thing was real, not just a statue.
Well, I didn't really like the idea of angels since I don't believe in them, and I never thought swords were cool. But regardless, I still wish it were real and not stuck up there, to endure the elements forever.
As I looked longingly at the horse's wild mane, a beep on my watch told me it was time to go. Now.
So, I crawled backwards over to my departure ledge and took a deep breath, filling my lungs as I hoped to God (Yeah, right.) that my feet would find the pole for like, the millionth time.
Man, you don't know how pissed I was that I missed my footing.
See, what happened was that I found the pole and latched my feet around them, then worked one hand onto the pole, while I was keeping my weight on the other as it still clutched the ledge, to keep me from falling three hundred plus feet. In other words, to my death.
And you what happened? My hand slipped.
Down I went, too scared and shocked to scream. I thought I was for, my life was through. The only things I could think of was Derrell's smug smirk when he found out I was dead and Mom's horrible sobs. Poor Mom. I wish I could've-
Well, that hurt like hell. I fell onto the fire escape, approximately five feet below me. Give or take some. And you could bet your sweet butt I wasn't a happy camper. I mean jeez, if I was gonna die, then get it over with. Don't tease me. Unless, of course, you don't fance your life.
The wind was knocked out of my lungs and all I could feel on y back, shoulders, and head were rossettes of new pain, blossoming to spread about my body. Not much adrenaline was there to numb it, so it hurt just as much as it should.
I lay there gasping, trying to get my head thinking straight. Trying to get my eyes to stop seeing doubles. Letting my eyes rest for a couple seconds, I felt my breath regain itslef and I sucked in fresh oxygen. I breathed in slow, ignoring the icy stabs of frost that clung to the air I took in. Then I looked at my watch, 12:48. Late by three minutes. Two minutes more and the hallway would be clear, no doubt about it.
I forced myself to struggle to my feet and take one wobbly step after another down the eight flights of slipery metal steps, not caring if teachers saw me.
I was just about to open the cafeteria door, unconcerned with being caught since I knew the place would be cleared when I heard that it wasn't.
Nope. Instead I heard a whimper. A soft, pathetic one. One you'd hear when all hope was lost and there nothing left to do but cower. Then, "What's wrong Jared? Mommy not here to protect ya?"
I knew that sneer. Oh yeah, I'd been waiting for that sneer all effin day.

Well, there was no backing out now. (Not that I was gonna.) I took one strong breath and shoved the old, creaky door open, an automatic look of scorn on my face. Or, at least, that's how my face felt like it was being held.
There was Jared, poor little scrawny, geeky tenth grader in an empty cafeteria, facing off with Derrell Jones. A nerd's worst night mare. My heaven.
Last I heard, lil' Jared here reported Derrell to Mr. Roy when he found out that Derrell had pot. Got him suspended for three weeks. Guess Derrell thought revenge sounded pretty good. It did to me.
And there was Derrell. Thick body, weighing in at like 190. Face covered with acne so bad you could play Connect-The-Dots. He was as tough as a bull, and as dumb as one too.
Jared whimpered again, then his blue eyes fell on me, and I saw a surge of hope break into his sight, and he whimpered a plea to me.
That's when Derrell caught on and turned around, his ugly face full of surprise when he saw me, only to grin ear to ear when he recognized the oppertunity. He tossed Jared over and face me fully. "Hey, lookit here. O'Reilly. How's your Ma doin? We had so much fun." he taunted, and I felt blood push through my ears.
He was so dumb it pissed me off.
I faked a smile. "Well, well. What da ya know?" I started casually, stepping forward. I stuck my hands in my hoody's pockets and clenched them into fists discretely. "My old pal Derrell, chilling out with Jared. What's wrong Jones? He won't do your math homework again?" Jared was too frozen with fear to react with anythign I was saying, let alone join in. He was probably doing the smart thing anyway. Lie low and nothing bad will happen.
I glared at Derrell, "What's wrong, pal? Two plus two getting too hard for ya?" I asked, almost innocently.
I saw jaw clench and his dark, brown eyes narrowed. "You got a lotta nerve bein here, O'Reilly." he growled at me, his hands visibly turning into huge fists.
Jared saw what was about to happen and ran.
"Oh yeah, I'm shakin in my sneaks." I continued to push him, a grin on my face. I'd have him pull the first move. I found defense to be the easiest.
And man was it a swing.
He growled, pulled his massive arm back, and before I could register what was happening, a huge fist impacted my face and had my arse on the floor faster than you could say "Doctor." Which, of course, is exactly what one of us is gonna need in a few moments.
Nothing like a good old fashioned punch to get your adrenaline kicking.
Pain blurred my sight, for like three milliseconds. I was flat out on my back, starring dizzily up at the ceiling, recovering.
That's when I saw Derrell jumping in the air, about to elbow my skull in.
"Oh no you don't." I muttered, rolling over at the last second and hopping onto my feet.
His elbow made a nasty cracking sound as it hit the stone floor, and I guessed he at least fractured it. He cried out a roar of pain and fury and got up.
Derrell was one tough cookie. I will admit it.
Now, let's take a moment of pause here. First, I'd like to point out that when I read (Which is like, never), action parts always seem better with loud actiony-type songs to go along with it. It kinda gets me into the zone. So, one I suggest would be something like "All American Nightmare" by a band called Hinder. Now, I know its got nothing at all to do with my current situation, but the heavy guitar cords just make you want to get up and smash something, don't they?
I stood there, waiting for King Kong to get up so I could out a move to pull on him, to get him to fall again. But I couldn't think, my body was thinking for itself, on autopilot, ignoring my thinking part.
Derrell was getting off his stomach, staying off his right arm as he used his other to get on his feet. He was stumbling and looked unstable, and his face looked pained. I probably lost a good oppertunity, letting him up. And you know what? I actually almost said sorry.
But that's not how I do things.
My body lurched forward and I ducked easily under and through his legs as he tried to punch me out again, with his left fist this time. But it made him slower, less accurate, gave me a longer chance. Gave me the break I needed.
I got an extra surge of energy as I turned to face his back and jumped. I wrapped my arm left arm tight around his throat, pushing my elbow with my right arm to put a good choke on him. Planting my feet on his back, I got a good vantage point, and it wasn't that hard to stand on his back, with him being so massive and all.
Anyway, he wasn't happy about it. He roared and reached over his shoulder, only to cry out with pain as he used his injured arm. I tugged a little harder on his neck, looking for some way to beat him.
I could snap his neck, but I didn't exactly want prison to be an option at the moment. I wanted to beat the guy, not kill him.
He reached back again, using his other arm, and grabbed my throat, on a lucky grab. Immediately he started pulling.
Fresh pain erupted in my neck and I felt like my head was about to pop off. I had to do something. Now. Before I lost my head.
I pulled harder on his neck, and I coudl actually feel the airway tighten. He started spluttering, but wouldn't give in. I gave him a little motivation and starting kicking him hard with my right leg, aiming for the ribs. As I did, I kept my hold tight on his neck and tried to bend my head slightly and bite his hand.
I did it. I reached my jaws over his wrist and clamped down as hard as I could, ignoring the awful taste, hoping I'd break skin.
He cried out again, twice, simotaneously. Once in pain, more of a loud grunt as I found my foot jabbed against his leg. He gasped, and then when my incisors felt his flesh, he screamed. It sounded like pain, but now I could hear traces of fear too.
I guess he couldn't take much more because he let og of my neck and I let my teeth off him. The he let his legs go out and he was tumbling toward earth.
I leaped out from off of him, and almost cleared the giant's body, but my left foot got stuck under him. It hurt like hell and it was my time to cry out.
I sat down and kicked out with my right leg, desperate to get him off of him. Derrell must have stunned himself with the impact because he didn't respond immediately.
I yanked my foot out, sneaker and all, despite the furious pain, and straddled the great beast. I looked hard at Derrell, manning up, ready to give my opponnent his last attack.
Now for those reading this, let me just say something.
Don't do this at home, kids.
He was dazed, but as soon as I was sitting on him, his eyes jolted open and he gave a light, but drowzy growl, raising his arms up to try and clumsily grab me. His arms were way too slow and he was far too out of it.
Unfortunatley for him, I moved way too effin fast, with all the fury fueling me. I pulled my head back and grabbed the collar of his red flannel vest. Then I clenched my jaws togethe, no need to cut my own tongue off, and swung my head forward.
My head hit his fasce, right below his forehead. I heard a crunch as my head crushed his nose. Pain hit my head like a ton of bricks and made me woozy.
One more Word of Wisdome: No one wins with a headbutt.
But, I did. I looked down at him, to find blood gushing from his nose and he was passed out.
"Try fucking with me again." I growled at him, standing up.

Boy was I surprised.

It looked like the whole school was crowded around me, joy and fear, with surprised wrapped all around it, written on each and every face I saw. Even some teachers. Everyone cheered, except the adults.
I looked on, dumbstruck. When did they get here?
I smiled slightly. "Hi guys." I said casually, lamely.
They just kept yellin and cheering, thrilled with the show me and Derrell put on. If only he could see it.
"Did you see that kick?" one geek said to another.
"I didn't know you could stand on someone like that." some diva said to her boyfriend.
Tons of stuff like that was spoken in the few milliseconds I had to live in, feel my pride swell.
A hand grabbed my sweaty wrist and pulled me.
I was so close to defending myself when I met the emerald eyes glaring at me. I bet you can't guess who it was!
Yep, that's right folks. Colt, right on cue.
"What the hell are you thinking?" he hissed at me.
I wasn't suprised at his reaction, but it didn't mean I had to be nice, nor did I want to. "I was thinking of how dumb your brother looks in a busted up nose." I retorted sharply, venom practically dripping out of my mouth. If only.
He took one look at me and I thought he was going to burst. "Let's go. Now. Before some officiall shows up." Nothing like a friend to show up and suddenly be the world's biggest buzz-kill.
Colt tugged me forward, not loosening his iron grip on my wrist, as he pushed through the crowd.
I followed, grinning from ear to ear dumbly, as people patted me on the back, congratudlating me. Guess no one liked Derrell. I sure as hell didn't.
Out the back exit we went, into the freezing cold and icy snow. Spring was coming around, but it was still cold as hell outside.
He dragged me all the way to his Chevy and then stopped. He ignored me for the moment and dug in his truck.
After about three minutes, he pulled out a rag.
"Stay still." He muttered, coming next to me, too focussed on the job at hand to speak correctly.
He began dabbing the cloth all over my face, which I now realized was coated over and over again with my blood. Colt touched my nose with the bloody rag and I winced. "Ow." I tried to pull away, but he grabbed my wrist.
"Sorry. Stay still." Colt said, more gently. He wasn't as angry, and I could see the sincerity in his eyes as he stared at my nose.
I clenched my hand and let my hand tense as he wiped my nose, trying to clean it up. "Is it broken?" I asked. The guy was like a doctor, he would know.
Colt's eyes were serious and focussed, and he didn't meet my gaze. "Yeah, I think so. But the bleedings stopped. Here, bite down on this." he gave the small hand towel and I bit down on it, as hard as I could, knowing what was about to happen, and tasting the iron tang of my own blood. It tasted really wierd. It's funny, I've never tasted my own blood before.
He grabbed my nose and took a breath, as if he really didn't want to do it. But I did. "Do it." I mumbled through cotton.
Colt responded fast as lightning. He snapped the bone of my nose back in place and I sucked in air, fighting to keep tears out of my eyes.
And then, it was over. My nose still throbbed, but it would heal. He grabbed at the cloth in my mouth, and I pushed his hand away. Colt didn't argue and I took it out myself, just like a big girl should.
I grinned. "I betcha ten bucks you're gonna have to do that again with-" I was cut off, smothered as Colt hugged me.
I was frozen with confusion, my hands limp, but tensed as Colt talked. Well, more like whispered. "You have no clue how worried I was. Derrell's three times your size. Where were you thinking?" he murmured with all seriousness in my ear.
"Um Colt?" I started, still spluttering with confusion. It was like twenty below out here, but my face felt like it was in the Bahamas, on vacation. But then, I felt annoyed that he was actually worried about me, and kind of snapped. But I tried at least a little to be nice when I said, "Can you get off me?"
"Oh." he stopped, tensed, and let og. "Sorry." he muttered, his voice low and trembly, his face and neck turning a healthy shade of red. Healthy for tomatoes, that is.
I nodded, opening my door of the Blazer. "I gotta get home and explain this to her before the school does." I said, climbing in.
He must have known I was talking about my mom, since he responded immediately. "Right." Colt closed my door before I could and hopped in on his side. "Buckle up, you're in for one helluva ride."
"Awesome." Was all I had to say.
The Awesominator

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Join date : 2010-08-01
Age : 28

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